
Sunday 16 November 2014

Road Blocks

I'm feeling stuck in a rut. I'm feeling tired of being Mummy. I'm feeling tired of doing the same things over and over, day in, day out. I'm tired of our debts hanging over our heads like a big reminder of our less-than-smart decisions.

I just want to hit the ground running and just feel like there's all these road blocks (or are they excuses?) that are stopping me. They seem to be stopping me in all aspects of my life currently.

My most common road blocks are:

  1. The Kids
  2. Sickness
  3. Focus
  4. Space
  5. Energy
Really, these road blocks are totally avoidable, or easily recovered from.

The kids? I can get stuff done whilst the oldest is at daycare, and the baby's napping. 
I've been sick a couple of times this month. This makes it hard to get lots of things done, but I can still do bits and pieces here or there. Clean out a drawer, list a couple of items on eBay, read one chapter for school, or even stick one load of washing on.

Focus is a hard one. I really struggle to focus and I am so easily distracted. I need to make sure I am well fed (with healthy food, and take regular breaks. If I'm really struggling then I could have a coffee for the extra brain power.

Space is limited. But this is why I have decided to take on this new lifestyle. I have now decided to stop trying to sell everything that is leaving our house. My original thought was that I could use this money to help pay off credit cards. Now I'm seeing just how time consuming this is, and it's also extremely frustrating. It means that everything is hanging around the house. I need to really do 1-2 trips to the salvos each week, to clear out the stuff and make a good amount of space.

Energy really is the same kind of road block as focus, with the same solutions.

I have a picture in my mind of what I really want our lives to look like. It may differ from my partner in some ways, but we both agree on a lot of things. We both like a clean house, but we hate cleaning. We both want more money to have awesome experiences and adventures with. We both want our kids to grow up with a good attitude towards money, gratitude and charity. 

Really I need to decide if the life we want is worth overcoming the road blocks.

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